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Image credit: Lauren Theunissen

Bitter Sweet, Rietveld Pavillion, Amersfoort (January)

Solo show, CAAC, Seville (September)

Solo show, Appleton square, Lisbon (December)

Transatlantic Slavery memorial monument unveiling, Den Haag (June)

Buhle Portrait 2020_MG_0050-Edit.jpg

Buhlebezwe Siwani was raised in Johannesburg, due to the nomadic nature of her upbringing she has also lived in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal. Siwani works predominantly in the medium of performance and installations, she includes photographic stills and videos of some performances. She uses the videos and the stills as a stand in for her body which is physically absent from the space. Siwani completed her BAFA(Hons) at the Wits School of Arts in Johannesburg in 2011 and her MFA at the Michealis School of Fine Arts in 2015. She has exhibited at the Michaelis Galleries in Cape Town, a site-specific exhibition in collaboration with APEX Art, New York City, in 13th Avenue, Alexandra township, Commune 1, and Stevenson in Cape Town.


Lives and works between Amsterdam and Cape Town. 

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